Soap Aloe Vera 100g

Soap Aloe Vera and Lavender

The juice or gel obtained from the leaves of this plant are used in cosmetics for its soothing and healing properties. Well-recognized moisturizing, healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Contains a large amount of antioxidants, which stimulate proper functioning of the immune system.

For normal and dry skin

Aloe Vera has been popular for millenia for cosmetic .

Natural Soap 100g, wrapped, 100% vegetable oils, made in Provence

Our fragrances are made in the city of Grasse to our requirements by artisans who are recognized for the quality of work and their professionalism in traceability and contol of their products.

Made in Provence from 100% natural vegetable ingedients.
Our packaging is made from recycled cardboard from France or Europe.

Find our other cosmetics on the site.



Availability: 2 in stock

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