Mini kit Incense burner & Cade powder, bleu

Incense burner & Cade powder

1 mini Incense Burner with 1 bag of Cade, 30 g Powder

Sold exclusively by Provence Online.
Avaible in diferent color

Put Cade Powder on the plate of the burner, form a cone.
Light it.
The cade smoke, reminding of Provençal Garrigues, chasing away insect and purifying the air.

Size: Ø 7 cm, H: 5.5cm
Color: bleu

The “Mini” burner is ideal for the office or for travelling.
It make a great gift.

Incense burner and cade powder. A mini incense burner + natural cade powder. This burner is ideal for the office or when travelling. Makes an excellent gift.

Enjoy the benefits of cade powder. A natural incense, cade purifies the atmosphere and keeps insects away by fumigation. A natural moth repellent.
Cade powder is obtained from Juniperus Oxycedrus wood.
Several Cade powder fragrances, burners, Cadalithes – pebbles and shavings of Cade, Cade soap are available on the site.


Availability: 3 in stock

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